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This Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) that examines how Open Educational Resources (OER), in general, and Learning Objects (LO), specifically, are constructed, discovered, exchanged, and reused in education and training instructional design. OERs are defined as “educational resources (lesson plans, quizzes, syllabi, instructional modules, simulations, etc.) that are freely available for use, reuse, adaptation, and sharing.“ Though there is still no consensus, for the purposes of this MOOC, Learning Objects are OERs that are "small, reusable chunks of instructional media” and defined broadly as “any entity, digital or non-digital, which can be used, re-used or referenced during technology supported learning” (Wiley 2000). These objects can range from individual digital images and small bits of text to “larger reusable digital resources include entire web pages that combine text, images and other media or applications to deliver complete experiences, such as a complete instructional event” (Wiley, 2000).





Pre-Course Orientation


What is a MOOC? by Dave Cormier

How This Course Works—Basic Course Elements



There are eight weeks in total for this course and they are listed in the left sidebar as well as under the “Content” link at the top of each webpage. Weekly topics, activities, readings, and resources are indicated week by week. A weekly 1.5 hour live session is scheduled and will be recorded and made available for viewing the day following the session.


The course consists of a combination of live sessions (recordings archived), text, readings, multimedia, and external resources relating to the concepts, topics and issues involved in OER and LO.




A discussion forum has been created for weekly topics where you will post your ideas, resources, reflections, recommendations, suggestions, and responses to your peers’ posts. We encourage you to actively participate in this process and the threaded discussions. Choose the threads that interest or resonate with you.



Resource Sharing:


Participants will build a list of recommended repositories and sources where high-quality Learning Objects can be found. Please contribute to this list, especially in your area of expertise.


Live Sessions:


A 1.5 hour live session will be featured each week. We will record and archive these sessions so that you may view them if unable to be there, particularly if you reside in a conflicting time zone.




Various activities will be suggested each week including requests for you to contribute discussion posts, find and share resources, and collaborate with a group to create a LO, obtain a Creative Commons License, and submit it to an appropriate repository. Groups will form around common interests, subject areas, or type of LO. You will choose, sign-up, communicate, and collaborate with your group according to group availability and consensus. Quizzes: Nothing will be graded, but self-assessment quizzes will be offered for you to obtain feedback by self-testing your understanding of the concepts.


Expectations for Participation:


Freedom in this course: You are free to participate in this MOOC as little or as much as you choose. Explore and join in according to your interests or as it applies to your real-world practice. You will learn more if you actively participate, because one of the goals of this course is to build a learning community where all members can learn from each other. If you have the capacity to help or support others, please contribute in this way.


Request for ethical and respectful behavior in this course: Please respect diversity in cultures, opinions, and attitudes and avoid negative or judgmental actions. Tolerating our differences is critical to a high-quality learning environment. Positive, constructive feedback will enhance everyone's, including your own, learning experience. Abusive, disrespecful behavior will not be tolerated and will be grounds for denying a participant access to this course. Use any contact information provided to you only for the specified purpose. Unauthorized use of personal information is unacceptable and may be cause for suspending involvement in this and any future course.


Discussion Posts and Feedback: View the videos and read the article on this page to learn how to best participate and take advantage of the learning experience.



Contact Us:


For the most part, all communication and dialogue will take place in the Discussion Forum area of this website. If you have other concerns, a Learner Support Forum has been set-up in the Student Help section. Please find the link at the top of any page. Someone from the course team will respond as quickly as possible. Please make allowances for varying time zones. If you have concerns with navigation or if technical in nature, please email:



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Open Educational Resources

Why Open Education Matters

Your Account




This Course



Course Schedule


Pre-Course Orientation


Video: What is a MOOC?

Video: Why Open Education Matters

How this course works

Week 1

Live Session

Video: Intro to Facilitators

What are OERs?

What are Learning Objects?


Week 2

Live Session


Creative Commons 4.0



Week 3

Live Session

OER Project


Prominent Repositories



Future Trends

Week 4

Live Session


Challenges, Initiatives




Week 5

Live Session

Creating Learning Objects

Theoretical Approaches

Types and Media

Frameworks & Models

Week 6

Live Session

Emerging Tools

Assembling Learning Objects


Open Courseware

Week 7

Live Session

OER Projects A-Z

Submission Procedures

Open Textbooks

Week 8

Live Session: Wrap-Up

Review of Projects

Course Evaluation


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